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Contact information on the management of social and health care services

Here you can find the contact information on the key persons within the health care and social welfare services of the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland.

E-mail addresses are of format firstname.lastname(a), unless otherwise specified. If the list does not contain the contact information on the person you are looking for, you can also contact the communication services at viestinta(a)

Director of division of social services and health care
Mikko Pakarinen
tel. 050 512 9270

Secretary of director of division
Pia Stylman
tel.  050 314 9954

Service director, social and health care centre services
Jane Marttila
tel. 050 518 2792

Secretary of service director, social and health care centre services
Sanna Renfors
tel. 044 907 3628

Service director, social and disability services
Emilia Heikkilä
tel. 050 373 2563

Secretary of service director, social and disability services
Satu Monnonen
tel. 040 513 1675

Service director, services for children, youngsters and families
Krista Ryödi
tel. 050 597 7151

Service director, client guidance
Jenni Kiviluoto
tel. 040 138 4182

Service director, university social and health care centre
Susanna Laivoranta-Nyman
tel. 050 511 1734

Director of services for families with children
Paula Laukamo
tel. 050 431 6984

Director of services for persons of working age
Marika Lehtinen
tel. 040 486 0935

Director of disability services
Sari Hietala
tel. 040 353 4044

Director of outpatient health care
Suvi Vainiomäki
tel. 044 901 2817

Director of oral health care
Marina Merne-Grafström
tel. 040 481 1047

Director of family centre
Terhi Vierikko
tel. 050 314 6012

Director of services supporting functional capacity
Taru Visala
tel. 040 579 6749

Director of substance abuse prevention and mental health services
Tommi Väyrynen
tel. 050 599 3111

Chief administrative physician
Jutta Peltoniemi
tel. 040 595 3682

Secretary of chief administrative physician
Sannakaisa Salonen
tel. 040 665 5195

Administrative senior nurse
Minna Ylönen
tel. 044 907 3495

Social and health care centre services

Social and disability services

Client guidance

University social and health care centre