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Management of the Wellbeing Services County

On this page, you can find the contact information on the management of the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland.

Director of Wellbeing Services County

Tarmo Martikainen

Director of wellbeing services county

Nina Kokkonen


Organisation of services

Antti Parpo


Sari Nanai


Group services

Laura Saurama


Tyks hospital services

Mikko Pietilä



Katri Saarinen


The contact information on the directors of the divisions of Tyks hospital services can be found on the website of the divisions: Result groups (

Health care and social services

Mikko Pakarinen


Sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut

More contact information on the management of social and health care services can be found here: Contact information on the management of social and health care services

Services for the elderly

Eeva-Sirkku Pöyhönen


Ikääntyneiden palvelut

Minna Ek

Tulosaluejohtajan sihteeri

More contact information on the management of services for the elderly can be found here: Ikääntyneiden palveluiden johdon yhteystiedot (web page in Finnish)

Rescue services

Vesa Halonen



Sari Rinne


Other management

  • Clientship director Pasi Oksanen tel. 040 574 5652
  • Bilingual services Karin Simola, tel. 040 733 5897
  • Strategy Leena Setälä tel. 050 327 1230
  • Research, education, development, quality and sustainable development Ville Kytö, tel. 050 463 7995
  • Welfare and health promotion services Siirala Marjaana, tel. 040 163 7407
  • Director of human resources Noora Nordberg, tel. 050 324 9199
  • Finances Arja Pesonen tel. 050 409 0755
  • Data management, ICT Jari Poromaa tel. 040 635 8575
  • Administration Jari-Pekka Tuominen tel. 040 566 4854
  • Real estate Timo Seppälä  tel. 040 739 0173
  • Support services Janne Saarinen tel. 050 590 1449
  • Communications Maria Roos tel. 040 508 4143
  • Assessment manager Synnöve Niemi tel. 050 438 1826