Services for the elderly
The goal of the services for the elderly is to enable every older resident in Southwest Finland to stay in their own home for as long as possible relying on home care and support services.
Contact information on management of services for the elderly
On this page, you can find the key contact information on services for the elderly in the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland. If you need or a person close to you needs services for the elderly, contact the centralised client guidance for the elderly in Southwest Finland.
More than one million donated to the TYKS Foundation
The TYKS Foundation has received a bequest of 1.6 million euros. The record-breaking donation is stated in the will of Jarmo Karppi (1953-2022) from Kaarina.
Lasten ikäkausitarkastuksia tehdään neuvoloissa ja koululaisten ja opiskelijoiden terveystarkastuksia kouluterveydenhuollossa. Aikuisille terveystarkastuksia tehdään eri elämänvaiheissa. Terveysasemilla hoidetaan esimerkiksi työikäisten yleisiä terveystarkastuksia, työttömien terveystarkastuksia ja ikäihmisten terveystarkastuksia.
The social and health services provided by the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland offer preventive services and services such as research, treatment, family and rehabilitation services to the people of the area.
Client billing and instructions
On this page, you can find information and instructions on client billing.
Kotona asumista tukevat ikääntyneiden palvelut
Kotona asumista tukevilla palveluilla tuetaan ikäihmisten terveyden ja toimintakyvyn sekä elämänhallinnan säilyttämistä niin, että he voivat asua omissa kodeissaan mahdollisimman pitkään. Kotona asumista tukevia palveluita ovat erilaiset tukipalvelut, omaishoidon tukeminen sekä kotihoito.
Contact information of Varha
Social and Health Services switchboard (Turku), tel. 02 266 0000
Social and Health Services switchboard (Naantali), tel. 02 436 2611
Social and Health Services switchboard (other areas), tel. 02 772 3111
Tyks Hospital Services switchboard, tel. 02 313 0000
Southwest Finland Emergency Services switchboard tel. 02 263 3111
Fax: 02 313 3613
Postal address: (receiving unit or function), POB 52, 20521 TURKU
E-mail: kirjaamo(a)
Purchase invoices: ostolaskut(a), tel. 050 447 9637 (Wednesday 10-12)
E-mail form: firstname.lastname(a) if not otherwise mentioned
Corona and influenza vaccination