Services for the Disabled
Important phone numbers of the healthcare and social welfare services
In the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, the important and familiar appointment numbers and service numbers stay the same. On this website, you will find the most important phone numbers for the healthcare and social welfare services listed by municipality. The information…
Client billing and instructions
On this page, you can find information and instructions on client billing.
Sosiaalipalveluiden tuet ja etuudet
The Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee assesses the ethics of healthcare science research projects of humans, human embryos and foetuses and the observance of the law in these researches and gives statements about their assessments to the applicant.
Online services and forms
On this website, you will find the online service channels available in the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, together with the most relevant forms. The forms are currently available in Finnish and Swedish only.
Services for the elderly
Do this if you suspect coronavirus infection
Usually you can treat a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) at home in accordance with the symptoms, like other sudden respiratory infections. In the event of severe symptoms such as shortness of breath or a deterioration in your general condition – or if you belong to the severe coronavirus…