Rehabilitation Services
Kuntouttavien palveluiden tehtävänä on yhdessä asiakkaan ja läheisen kanssa parantaa asiakkaan fyysistä, psyykkistä ja sosiaalista toimintakykyä. Palveluiden tavoite on asiakkaiden toimintakyvyn ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen elämän kaikissa eri vaiheissa.
Client billing and instructions
On this page, you can find information and instructions on client billing.
Europe’s top young musicians join forces with healthcare and technology pioneers in Turku
For over twenty years, Prof. emer. Seppo Soinila has been leading pioneering research at Turku University Hospital into music’s contribution to healing injured brains. Soinila’s group has been affiliated into Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain.
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland is the third largest wellbeing county in terms of population and second largest in terms of personnel.
The social and health services provided by the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland offer preventive services and services such as research, treatment, family and rehabilitation services to the people of the area.
Mental Health Services for Adults
Mielenterveyspalvelut ovat apunasi, kun tarvitset tukea erilaisissa mielenterveyden ongelmissa tai elämän kriisitilanteissa. Terveyskeskuksen tarjoamat mielenterveyden peruspalvelut voivat kattaa esimerkiksi psykiatrisen sairaanhoitajien ja psykologien vastaanotot.