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Contact information and opening hours

Visiting address

Kunnallissairaalantie 20
20700 TURKU

Opening hours

Monday 8.00–15.30
Tuesday–Friday 8.00–12.00
Monday 8.00–15.30
Tuesday–Friday 8.00–12.00

You can visit Infectious Diseases Monitoring without an appointment and call a public health nurse specialised in infectious diseases during the opening hours of the unit.

Infectious Diseases Monitoring looks into the following matters, among others:

  • Check-ups of employees in high-risk occupations. The employer must determine the medical condition of food workers in order to prevent, for example, the spreading of salmonella.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Suspected cases of hepatitis and HIV
  • Food poisonings
  • Cases of tuberculosis
  • Vaccination advice for tourists

The operation of the unit is based on the Communicable Diseases Act and is strictly confidential.