About us
Rescue services
Emergency services
Important phone numbers of the healthcare and social welfare services
In the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, the important and familiar appointment numbers and service numbers stay the same. On this website, you will find the most important phone numbers for the healthcare and social welfare services listed by municipality. The information…
Regional Emergency Services
The Emergency Services serve professionally, quickly and equally.
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland is the third largest wellbeing county in terms of population and second largest in terms of personnel.
Coronavirus epidemic
On this page you will find information on the coronavirus and the epidemic from the perspective of the Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland.
Frequently asked questions about influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations
On this page, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact your own health centre.
Information on influenza vaccinations
In Finland, the seasonal influenza epidemic usually starts at the turn of the year and lasts for 2–3 months. Vaccination is the best protection against seasonal influenza. The influenza vaccine protects against influenza and its sequelae, such as ear infection, bronchitis, pneumonia…
Influenza vaccinations for children aged from 6 months to 6 years
Children between 6 months and 6 years of age and the parents of children under 6 months of age receive an influenza vaccination either in connection with their own child health clinic appointment, at an vaccination appointment booked for the clinic separately, or at influenza vaccination…