Oral Health Care
Suun terveydenhuolto huolehtii suun terveyden edistämisestä sekä terveyden- ja sairaanhoidosta. Palveluja ovat kiireellinen ensiapu, perushammashoito, erikoishammashoito. Lisäksi hammashoitoloissa saat neuvontaa ennaltaehkäisevään omahoitoon.
School and Student Health Care
Koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollon tavoitteena on oppilaiden terveyden edistäminen sekä terveen kasvun, kehityksen ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin tukeminen yhteistyössä vanhempien, opettajien ja muun oppilashuollon kanssa. Kouluterveydenhuolto on lakisääteistä ja maksutonta terveydenhuoltoa kaikille peruskoululaisille. Opiskeluterveydenhuollon palvelut on tarkoitettu toisen asteen oppilaitosten (lukiot, ammatilliset oppilaitokset) opiskelijoille kotipaikkakunnasta riippumatta.
Emergency services
The Emergency services provide urgent care. This includes the care of sudden illnesses, injuries, difficulties with a long-term illness or a decrease in functional capacity which requires immediate assessment and care.
Do this if you suspect coronavirus infection
Usually you can treat a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) at home in accordance with the symptoms, like other sudden respiratory infections. In the event of severe symptoms such as shortness of breath or a deterioration in your general condition – or if you belong to the severe coronavirus…
Client fees
Client fees for social and health care services at the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland 2025. Client fees are the same throughout the wellbeing services county.
The social and health services provided by the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland offer preventive services and services such as research, treatment, family and rehabilitation services to the people of the area.
Client billing and instructions
On this page, you can find information and instructions on client billing.
Health Station Services
Your own health station is the primary treatment center in all cases of illness.
Corona and influenza vaccination