Influenza vaccinations for working-age people
A working-age person belonging to a high-risk group due to illnesses of their own, or illnesses of people close to them, or due to treatment of these illnesses, is vaccinated free of charge by a health centre. The possibility of influenza vaccination can also be inquired from the…
Influenza vaccinations in Southwest Finland
Information on influenza vaccinations
In Finland, the seasonal influenza epidemic usually starts at the turn of the year and lasts for 2–3 months. Vaccination is the best protection against seasonal influenza. The influenza vaccine protects against influenza and its sequelae, such as ear infection, bronchitis, pneumonia…
Influenza vaccinations for pregnant women
Pregnant women belong to a high-risk group. They get a free influenza vaccine from the maternity clinic during a maternity clinic appointment or through their own health centre.
More than one million donated to the TYKS Foundation
The TYKS Foundation has received a bequest of 1.6 million euros. The record-breaking donation is stated in the will of Jarmo Karppi (1953-2022) from Kaarina.